Powder Horn Prize long list

Congratulations to the following poets, whose manuscripts were chosen as semifinalists for our first-book contest:


An Accidental Species, by Carol Berg

Blood, Metal, Fiber, Rock, by Elizabeth Bodien

Memory Palace, by Aaron Brown

After Our Departure, by Benjamin Cartwright

The Water in which one Drowns is Always an Ocean, by Jeff Encke

Sometimes at Night Hear the Weeds Crying, by Jim Gustafson

Gravity Dog, by Janet Norman Knox

315 Gods, by Jeffrey MacLachlan

What Spirits Return, by Andrew McSorley

Ulla Ulla, by Catherine Moore

Grist, by Kate Peterson

The Pioneer Sonnets, by Kristen Rembold

They Sometimes Behave So Strangely, by Stephen Scott Whitaker


A shortlist of four titles will be forwarded to judge Nance Van Winckel, with the winner to be announced soon.

Thanks to all of our entrants. Even paring to this list of 13 was a difficult job, given the overall quality of the submissions.

Powder Horn Prize long list

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